
A female Barred Owl swoops through an urban forest in Burnaby, B.C, Canada. Subject attracted with a dead mouse.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Barrow's Goldeneye runs along a lake in the interior of B.C, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
Boundary Bay in Delta, B.C, Canada is a hotspot for birdlife. In this image, a Long-eared Owl mantles a freshly caught Townsend's Vole, in an oceanside field.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
An American Dipper feeds its chicks at a cliffside nest in Maple Ridge, B.C, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A nesting Canada Goose ignores a beautiful sunset at Burnaby Lake in Burnaby, B.C, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
Two Canada Geese rest on Burnaby Lake in Burnaby, B.C, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A pair of Canada Geese spend time at their nest on a small island at Burnaby Lake in Burnaby, B.C, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Canada Goose watches the city from her nest at Burnaby Lake in Burnaby, B.C, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Collared Aracari flies through the trees in Gamboa, Panama.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
Last light on a Common Loon in the B.C Interior of Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A female Common Loon sits on her nest at sunset in the interior of B.C Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
This is the same individual Common Loon as the previous image, except this was taken two years later in 2014!
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A male Sooty Grouse displays from the top of a hill near Whistler, British Columbia, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Common Loon calls out at sunset in the B.C interior of Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
Two Common Loons during a foggy sunrise in the B.C interior of Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Common Loon and her chick swim through a lake in the B.C interior of Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
Loon chicks take a rest by hitching a ride on their mother's back. Taken in the B.C interior of Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Great-grey Owl perches on a branch with Mount Garibaldi in the background. Taken in Squamish B.C, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A female Great-gray Owl from the interior of B.C, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Great-gray Owl fledgeling in the interior of B.C, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Red-necked Grebe walks onto her nest in a B.C interior wetland.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
Perched on a branch at dusk, this Great-grey Owl was hunting for voles and caught one soon after I made this image.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
Taken with a wireless remote from a distance away, a Red-necked Grebe stands on her nest in the interior of B.C, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
No matter the season, White-tailed Ptarmigan always blend into their environment. This image was taken at dusk in the mountains near Hope, B.C, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A White-tailed Ptarmigan rests beside stunted trees in Jasper National Park, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A White-tailed Ptarmigan blends into it's surroundings in Jasper National Park, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Mallard breaks the ice on a small pond in Burnaby, B.C, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Common Raven walks along a snowy mountain top in West Vancouver, B.C, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
One Common Raven pursues another in Jasper National Park, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
With four chicks in the nest cavity, this Tree Swallow along with two others, were frequently returning to the nest with large mouthfuls of food. Taken in the interior of B.C, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
Snowy owls perch on a large piece of drift wood at Boundary Bay, B.C, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Snowy Owl perches on drift wood at Boundary Bay, B.C, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Snowy Owl flies through a salt marsh at Boundary Bay, B.C, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
In the winter time, the salt marshes of the Boundary Bay area of B.C, Canada are a great place to find Short-eared Owls. This owl is hunting for Townsend's Voles at sunset.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Black Tern flies against a sun dog in the interior of B.C, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A lone Bald Eagle perches on a rare Gary Oak tree in Delta, B.C, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
After Long-billed Dowitchers breed in the arctic, some can be found at Burnaby in August, as they re-fuel to continue their migration south.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Black Tern flies through a cloud of insects at dusk in the interior of British Columbia, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Barn Owl roosts on a barn's support beam near Vancouver, B.C, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Bonaparte's Gull lands on its nest 15 feet up a tree in the B.C interior of Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
The provincial bird of B.C, the Steller's Jay. Taken in West Vancouver, B.C, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
Northern Gannets at the Cape St. Mary's Ecological Reserve in Newfoundland, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
Northern Gannets at the Cape St. Mary's Ecological Reserve in Newfoundland, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
Northern Gannets at the Cape St. Mary's Ecological Reserve in Newfoundland, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A male Ruddy Duck performs his bubbling display on a small pond in the interior of British Columbia, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
Two Great Horned Owl chicks rest on a cliff in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Northern Hawk Owl illuminated by winter evening light near Hinton, Alberta, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
Surrounded by large western hemlocks, a Barred Owl perches on an old broken snag in a Vancouver area forest.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Barred Owl perches on a mossy Big Leaf Maple in a forest just outside Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
Two Barred Owls perched in a mossy Big Leaf Maple in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Great Grey Owl perched on a snowy tree near Hinton, Alberta, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A “blue-eyed” Common Raven caused by the bird’s nictitating membrane covering its eye. Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Mountain Bluebird perches with prey in the Interior of British Columbia, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Great Horned Owl hoots while perched on the branch of a dead tree near Whistler, British Columbia, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Northern Hawk Owl perched with a Townsend’s Vole.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Pacific Wren singing at up to 36 notes per second. Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Northern Pygmy Owl perches on a Western Hemlock. Vancouver British Columbia, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A male Tree Swallow poses with prey outside of his nest in a burnt Aspen Tree. Interior of British Columbia, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Northern Pygmy Owl perches on a Western Red Cedar. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Bald Eagle swoops down at last light off the west coast of Vancouver Island, B.C, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Barred Owl Perches on a Western Red Cedar in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.
A Black Oystercatcher nesting beside a busy highway in Delta, British Columbia, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A Common Loon feeds its chick a Rainbow Trout fry on a lake in the Interior of British Columbia, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
Common Loon and chick. Interior of British Columbia, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A family of Great Grey Owls in their broken top Douglas Fir nest. Interior of British Columbia, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison
A male Sooty Grouse displays above the city of Squamish, British Columbia, Canada.
Image ©Connor Stefanison